Sunday, July 26, 2020

In This Excerpt From Thomas Hardys The Mayor Of Castlegate, Literature Provides A Different View Of The Architect

In This Excerpt From Thomas Hardy's The Mayor Of Castlegate, Literature Provides A Different View Of The ArchitectIn this excerpt from Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Castlegate, literature presents a contrasting view of these two individuals. In the prologue to this play, The Mayor says that he is the author of this story. That is what he is saying throughout the play.In this play, The Mayor introduces us to the character of the Archdeacon of Castlegate. In a moment of curiosity, the characters go into the house of Sir Thomas Castlegate, whom the Mayor seems to regard as the founder of Castlegate.In this excerpt from Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Castlegate, literature presents a different view of how the author of the story, the Archdeacon, came to be the architect of the story. The author of this play called for a meeting with a group of writers to discuss how a story could be written. The writer who wrote the original version of the story, the Reverend William Gibson, joined the group. In this excerpt from Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Castlegate, literature presents another perspective on how the story was written. In the beginning of the story, we learn that it was actually a group of writers who decided to make the tale happen. By following this line of thought, it is possible to understand how the story was presented by the actors in the play.In this excerpt from Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Castlegate, literature presents another aspect of the play, which was not explained to us in the prologue. There is some drama to the part of the poet in the play. We learn that there was a poet who also wrote the dialogue.In this excerpt from Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Castlegate, literature presents the poetic dialogue between the poet and the bishop. It is necessary to discuss whether this dramatization of the literary dialogue was done intentionally or not.In this excerpt from Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Castlegate, literature presents the style of the play itself. The w ords are very descriptive and are full of emotion. This is definitely an acting form that needs to be performed.In this excerpt from Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Castlegate, literature presents another view of how the play was written. The archdeacon originally thought of the story but it was the castlegate who suggested writing it as a play.

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